I continue to run into misbehaving software. The blog thing seems to be in good shape these days, but now my co-workers are having difficulties building online help.
We use FrameMaker and a product called WebWorks to generate online help. One of the other writers has an issue where she builds the help without errors, but is unable to see any of her topics. When I try the same thing on my system, everything works fine. I'm guessing that there's a browser issue somewhere that's causing the blank topics. It's weird. I've checked her Web browser settings and I don't see differences from my configuration.
Of course, since we haven't had the money/ability to upgrade our software, we're several versions behind and we probably don't have a maintenance/support contract any more. So, it will be up to me to solve this problem, even though I have no idea what's causing the problem.
This set of tools has been very, very stable for us until recently. I wish it could talk to me and tell me where "it hurts.".
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