Saturday, March 8, 2008

Museums, NPR, and MIT scientists

Friday night, my friend B and I took a trip to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. On the first Friday night of the month, they bring in food, a cash bar, music and a whole slew of people. OK, the Museum doesn't import the people, but hundreds do show up. Couples, singles, young people, older people; people of all sizes and shapes. I had never attended one of these events before and was surprised at the size of the crowd. One of the bar tenders mentioned that he thought there were close to 1,000 people there. Food was good, drinks were expensive and small, and I don't think I actually heard much of the music.

Not a whole lot of art viewing going on, but the people watching was fascinating :-). B and I are thinking of going back next month to enhance our people skills :-)

We did get to meet Chuck Goldstone, who has been on NPR's Marketplace show. Cool! A NPR Celeb. We had a lovely and very entertaining chat while waiting for the line to the parking lot kiosk to dwindle (it takes a long time for hundreds of people to filter out of one place at the same time :-). You can hear some of his humourous commentaries at: http://www,

We also had the chance to chat with an MIT researcher who is working on fusion (or was that fission?) energy sources. Sort of like meeting a real "rocket scientist." I do like the scientific types.

All in all, a diverting night out.

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